Monday, January 28, 2013

What Am I Doing Here?

I am at Bridgewater State University because I wanted to take my education to the next level. I just didn't want a High School Diploma but a Degree instead. I want to become a teacher and teach children at the Kindergarten level because I love working with children. 

What Do I Plan On Gaining From This English Class?
In this English class I wish to gain the knowledge that will help me be successful after graduating from college. Knowledge that will make me a strong competitor in this competitive world. In addition, I want to learn to become a better writer. 
Possible Issues That I Wish To Write About
1. Social Networking 2. Video Games and Violence 3. School Uniform 4. Does Participation in Sports Keep Teens Out of Trouble? 5. Teen Pregnancy

What Do I Plan On Achieving In The Next Five Years?
In the next five years I plan on to have graduated from Bridgewater State University as an Undergraduate with a degree in teaching and maybe go on to Graduate school. In addition, having my own place and a job until my teaching career takes off. 
Me in my room (Personal Photo).

Background Information About The Author
Name: Tshani Williams-Core
Nicknames: Shanii, T Raww
Age: 19
Birthday: June 17th
Nationality: African American and Japanese
Likes: Playing basketball, listening to music, having a good time with family and friends, and watching cartoons (still a kid at heart).
One day I wish to be in the presence of five and six year old children calling me Mrs. Willams in my own Kindergarten class.

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